Computer Games Programmer,22yo
Graduated at Teesside University
Latest projects:
Game Jam , UE4 Blueprints
I was the main Programmer but then took the role of Lead Programmer in this team project.
1st sprint my task was to design a simple AI that would follow the player, and I did that with pawn-sensing in unreal engine. Unreal engine has a very easy surface of using AI therefore I decided to use the blackboard and AI controller so that the enemy is “smarter” with a small algorithm to follow the player’s position where he moves.
The 2nd sprint of the game jam I was focused on creating a lock on system that would calculate where the closest enemy is and then if you pressed a button(prototype you would be able to lock onto the enemy)
These are some of the functions I wrote to support the Lock-On system.
So the way we(Me and the other Programmer) did it was based on the level name( each level had a colour of ship assigned, we changed the mesh of the player character to be the one we wanted) and then solve the issue of the blue ship being built to -90 degrees in the Z by the Artist so we added a rotation to the mesh to make it face the player and be able to use the muzzle to shoot as well.
We also had an Aggressive AI but 3 cololured ships, so if the player would choose the green ship he would fight the blue and then the red ship and so on.
We also set up a deadcount for each enemy so that we could know which other 2 enemies to spawn when the player picks a colour of ship/character. With the switch case of current level based on each level being assigned to each of the characters we spawn one and after it dies the other enemy colour, with the Boolean is blue so we can keep track of them even better and so we can fix the rotation error on the blue ship mesh by our Artist.
I have also finally made an instruction menu and an end-game screen with Photoshop and Unreal.
Throughout this project some members couldn't reach out to the team so I took leadership to put together with the other programmer the remaining parts of the projects like the levels working, the AI fighting the right players, instruction menu, end-game screen. We also found out we were supposed to do this in a small time frame so we were quite fast in problem solving this issue and getting the game together.